Woman sitting in front of a desktop computer using Altered Studio to edit her voice with an AI Voice

Influencer Partnership Program

Empower Your Content & Expand Your Reach with AI

Join Altered AI Influencer Partnership Program today and unlock your content's full potential

Benefits of joining the Influencer Partnership Program:

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Access cutting-edge AI Voices leverage Altered Studio's advanced AI Voice technology to create high-quality voiceovers and other engaging audio content.
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Boost audience engagement use our diverse portfolio of fun, professional voices and accents to captivate your audience and keep them coming back for more.
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Tailored training & support: our dedicated team of experts will work closely with you, providing personalized support to ensure you get the most out of Altered Studio.
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Gain exposure enjoy cross-promotion opportunities on our marketing channels and social media platforms to extend your reach and grow your audience.

  • A person applying to Altered's affiliate program on a laptop

    Fill out the application form

    Provide your contact information, social media handles, and a brief description of your content and audience.

  • A girl holds a laptop, showing her portfolio.

    Submit your portfolio

    Provide a sample of your work showcasing your creative potential and the type of content you produce.

  • A laughing guy with an Altered branded clock in the background

    We'll be in touch

    Our team will review your application and get in touch with you within 5-7 business days.

We’re ready to help you supercharge your content and engage and grow your audience! Apply for the Altered AI Influencer Partnership Program today and start reaping the rewards of our AI Voice technology.

All the AI features of Altered Studio

Ready to change your Voice?

Boost your media projects with Altered Studio

Start in a minute. No credit card needed